Game Engine Architecture Coursework

The coursework for this module is to implement one of four features in at least two game engines. The features from which we have to choose are:

  • Fireworks
  • Grass
  • In-game TV screens
  • Conversation Trees
I chose conversation trees as I believe that of the four it is the one that can have the most impact on the quality of a game depending on whether it's done well or not.
My favourite games tend to be those which worry less about aesthetics and more on how the player can impact the game, and I feel that grass, fireworks and TV screens are all aesthetic components of a game.

I decided to loosely model my dialogue system around the two games which, in my opinion, have the best dialogue systems of all the games I've played. These are Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 and Fallout 3.
What I found particularly well done in these games is how the player could give different dialogue options depending on some factors of the player, some factors of the NPC, and some factors of the world.

I have created a UML for how I imagine the dialogue system is going to work. I will probably start using Unity as my first game engine because it's the one with which I have the most experience, so it will be easier for me to implement and determine whether there are any problems with the overall structure of my plan.